Welcome to Room 8 Blogsite. We are a Year 3/4 class at Our Lady of the Assumption School, Christchurch, New Zealand. Our teacher is Mister A. This blog is for positive communication between Room 8 ALLSTARS. Please feel free to comment on our blog. We hope you enjoy our blog.
Write a caption for the above picture and the best caption will win a prize from Mr A. Entries need to be posted by Wednesday 3rd November. Children from Room 8, 9 and 10 can post their caption on the blog.
This a group of human animals.
this is a bunch of half humans from room 8 and a bunch of half animals from the zoo
Room 8 turns Wild! by Jed
In the jungle the mighty jungle Jonty swings on a giraffeeee in the jungle the mighty jungle Hunter has a huggg.
the 7.1 earthquake in CHCH made the electricity in the zoo crazy that made the zoo keepers join together with the animals that made these.
Madagasca 3 escape from room 8!
Wild kids gone mad on safari
Hey Hunter that 7.1 was from you never noticed. by josh k
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